XWiki Syntax Guide

Laatst gewijzigd door admin op 15-06-2021

XWiki Syntax 2.1 » General » General Remarks

XWiki Syntax 2.1: General Remarks

2.0 General Remarks

XWiki Syntax 2.1 corrects some errors or ambiguous syntax entered by the user as shown in the examples in the table below.

DescriptionExample of invalid or ambiguous syntaxFixed XWiki Syntax 2.1
Unclosed text styles**bold**bold**
Two standalone elements not separated by 2 new lines| table cell
* list item
| table cell

* list item
Two standalone elements not separated by 2 new linesparagraph


Ignored new line at beginning of document<new line at beginning of document>
Not closed heading syntax=== heading=== heading ===
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